Church missions open for everyone to join

Dayton Global Methodist Church is committed to making a positive impact in the lives of our congregation and people in need. That is why we strive to organize church missions of different types to help in diverse aspects of life. 

Operation Christmas Child Boxes
Kids Holding Gifts Above Their Heads
Kids Holding Gifts

Operation Christmas Child

‘Tis the season for spreading joy and making a difference! Join us in this church mission by filling shoebox containers with gifts and necessities for children in need. The deadline for submitting your filled shoeboxes is November 12th. During our Sunday worship, we will collectively bless these heartwarming gifts.

You can find more information about this church mission and the shoebox containers in our Christian Life Center. Don’t forget to sign the clipboard to let us know how many shoeboxes you’re taking so we can ensure every child receives the love and care they deserve. Let’s bring smiles to those in need!

Point persons for this church mission

Kindly call Randy or Peggy West at (814) 257-8796 for more information about Operation Christmas Child. They would be more than happy to address your concerns so you can join this church mission without worry.

Contact us for more info

For additional details about our current church mission and upcoming ones, please do not hesitate to connect with us today. We would be pleased to answer your questions about the initiatives you’re interested in joining. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Connect with us
Methodist Church

Dayton’s Christian Community Choir (DCCC)

Children in our local area happily join us after school every Monday at Dayton Global Methodist Church for a fun-filled afternoon. They can grab a tasty snack, hear inspiring teachings from the Word of God, engage in playful activities, and sing along with joy. Our DCCC program also helps these kids put on unique programs in December and spring for everyone to enjoy.